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Who He Is & What We Do


Sunggi Park is a registered architect in New York, the United States and currently a public architect for Seoul Metropolitan Government, and an assistant professor at Seoul National University of Science and Technology in Korea. Previously, he operated a New York and Seoul based interdisciplinary architecture oriented design studio called Studio Sunggi Park LLC, [SU:P], from 2018 to 2021. Right before opening his own architecture practice, he worked at OMA, Office for Metropolitan Architecture New York, diverse range of projects from residential projects to civic infrastructure projects. “Masterplan for Facebook Menlo Park Campus “, San Francisco, 2016~2018, “The First and Broadway (FAB) Civic Center Park”, Los Angeles, 2016. “Rebuild by Design, Resist, Delay, Store, Discharge” for flood risk reduction in Hoboken, New Jersey, 2015. “121 East 22nd St”, the first Rem Koolhaas’s project in Manhattan in 2015. “11th Street Bridge Park” competition in Washington DC, 2014. Before he finished his master’s degree for architecture, he worked at Bjarke Ingels Group in Copenhagen, Ateliers Jean Nouvel in Paris, and the offices of Howeler + Yoon and Preston Scott Cohen in Boston. He also worked at Samoo Architects in Seoul, Korea, participating in the design of number of projects including high profile residences and office towers (Samsung Corporate Offices) from 2004 to 2011.

In 2014, he graduated from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design where he was nominated as a finalist for James Templeton Kelley Prize for Best Final Design Project and for the Araldo A. Cossutta Annual Prize for Design Excellence. He was a finalist for the KPF Traveling Fellowship in 2013 and has received around 40 awards for a number of competitions for designs along a broad range of scales. He is focused on the relationships between architectural design and public space as well as architectural scale regeneration through design. His essential design approaches are providing re-configurable infrastructure, regenerating the sense of place in civic ground, and providing aesthetically pleasing architecture environment for public. He is constantly chasing and aiming to find adaptable and re-configurable architecture through the design elements of architecture, such as stair, window, floor or facade for unpredictable changes of living and life in new era. He had around 40 times publications and exhibitions in the world Asia, Europe, South and North America. Previous his notable projects include one 1st prize in Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2019, 5th prize for Incheon Museumpark, Korea, 2022, 3rd prize for Gangil Compact City in Seoul Korea, 2020, 3rd prize for Gwangju City Main Library in Korea, 2020, three award winning projects in UIA sponsored international competitions, 2015, 2012, 2010, and award winning 1st prize project, International ideas competition for the Mapo oil reserve base, Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2013. He has taught a course in post-production architectural workflow at the GSD for build up his pedagogy. He was featured in Korean daily newspapers including Chosun, Dong-a, Hani, Joongang, Yonhap, MBN, and he was on air at SBS, one of major broadcasting companies in Korea.

Full list of professional projects cannot be revealed because of confidentiality, yet you could reach him out to get some professional works through E-mail. E-mail : project@sspsup dot com.

Foreign Licensed Architect

건축가 박성기는 뉴욕과 서울에서 활동한 미국 건축사로 현재 서울과학기술대학교 건축학과 조교수로 재직중이며, 서울대학교 미술대학 강의중이다. 2014년 하버드 대학교 건축대학원(Graduate School of Design)을 졸업한 후 프리츠커 수상자Rem Koolhaas의 Office for Metropolitan Architecture(OMA) 미국 뉴욕 사무소에서 2018년도까지 Senior Architect로 근무하였으며, 그 외 프리츠커 수상자Jean Nouvel의 Ateliers Jean Nouvel 프랑스 파리 사무소, Bjarke Ingels의 BIG 덴마크 코펜하겐 사무소 등, 10여년 간 미국과 유럽 등지에서 다양한 실무 경험을 쌓았고, 대한민국에서는 삼우종합건축사사무소에서 7년간 실무 경험을 쌓았다. 건축가 박성기의 최근 수상경력으로는 2023년 인천 뮤지엄파크 국제공모 5등, 인천시 신청사 국제공모 5등, 서울대학교 주최 강소도시 아이디어공모 2등, 인천 박물관 도서관 국제공모 입선, 2022년 서울시 양곡도매시장 제안공모 5등, 인천시 연수구 청소년 수련관 국제공모 입선, 2019년 아랍에미레이츠 LAGI 국제공모 1등, 2020년 강일 컴팩트시티 국제공모 3등, 2020년 광주광역시 광주대표도서관 국제공모 3등, 2020년 경상북도 인재개발원 국제공모 3등, 2020년 청주시 청주시청사 1차 국제공모 입선, 2019년 서울특별시 한강대교 보행교 설계 국제공모 5등 수상 등이 있으며, 지금까지 UIA(세계 건축가 연맹) 주관 국제공모에서의 3회 수상을 비롯하여 국제공모에서 40차례 수상하였다. 특히 LAGI 국제공모 1등 수상은 Smithsonian Magazine, Middle East Architect 등 해외의 유수 언론SBS(TV출연), 조선일보, 연합뉴스 등 국내의 주요 언론에 보도되는 등 화제를 모았다.

2021 – Current 대한건축학회 정회원
2021 – Current 한국건축가협회 정회원
2021 – Current 한국문화공간건축학회 정회원
2021 – Current 한국청소년시설환경학회 정회원
2021 – Current 한국실내디자인학회 정회원
2021 – Current 한국공간디자인학회 정회원
2022 – Current 한국리모델링학회 D등급 등록회원

2022 – Current 서울시 공공건축가
2021 – Current 인천광역시 건축위원회 심의위원
2022 – Current 한국철도공사 공공건축가(제2기)
2022 – 2024 한국자산관리공사_공공개발사업_기술자문위원 (제5기)
2021 – 2024 인천광역시 건축사징계위원회 심의위원
2021 – 2023 인천광역시 경제자유구역발전자문위원회 심의위원
2021 – 2023 인천광역시 도시건축공동위원회 심의위원
2021 – 2022 경기주택도시개발공사 설계공모 심사위원

미국 뉴욕주 등록 건축사, 미국 건축사협회 AIA, NCARB 정회원

서울시 공공건축가, 국토부 지정 공동수임 외국건축사

CV (이력서) | Download


Representatitve Registered Korean Architect
CEO | Registered Korean Architect

Bomin Kwon

2011 School of Architecture. Kookmin University (B.Arch)

Graduated School of Architecture. Kookmin University (B.ARCH) in 2011 and has been working as a CEO, Registered Korean Architect in SSP since founded, April, 2022. Before she established SSP, she worked at Samoo Architects & Associates until 2017 from 2011.
국민대학교에서 2011년 건축과를 졸업하고, 2017년까지 삼우종합건축사사무소에서 실무를 쌓았다. 2022년 4월에 (주)에스에스피건축사사무소를 설립이후 대표 건축사로 활동중이다.
Studio Lead
Code Review & Facade Design Expert
Senior Associate

Seonwook Jo

2012 Seoul National University of Science and Technology (B.Arch)

He graduated from Seoul National University of Science and Technology in 2012 and worked for 8 years at Haeahn Architecture and he was a director at Start-up company for over 3 years. Since May 2024, he has been working as Studio Lead.

2012년에 서울과학기술대학교를 졸업해 해안건축에서 실무 8년, 스타트업에서 디자인 총괄 3년 활동하였으며, 2024년 5월부터 (주)에스에스피건축사사무소에 재직중이다.

Project Lead
Designer III

Dooho Kim

2020 University of Seoul (B. Arch)

Graduated from University of Seoul in 2020
Has been working as a project designer at SSP since October 2024.
2020년도에 서울시립대학교를 졸업하고, 2024년까지 DA건축에서 일하고, 2024년 10월부터 SSP에서 프로젝트 리더로 일하고 있습니다. 다양한 스케일의 디자인 및 기본 및 실시설계, 인허가 업무를 담당하고 있습니다.
Design Lead
Designer II

Myoungjin Kim

2022 Kunkook University (B. Science)

Graduated from Kunkook University in 2022
Has been working as an architectural design at SSP since May 2023.
2022년도에 건국대학교를 졸업하고, 2023년 5월부터 건축 디자이너 II로 일하고 있습니다. 다양한 스케일의 리서치와 디자인 및 기본, 실시설계 업무를 담당하고 있습니다.
Architectural Designer I

Yoonha Shin

2024 Kyungsung University (B. Arch)

She graduated from the Department of Architecture at Kyungsung University in 2024 and joined SSP Architects in September 2024 as an design assistant.
2024년도에 경성대학교 건축학과를 졸업하고, 2024년 9월부터 ㈜에스에스피건축사사무소의 디자인 인턴으로 함께하게 되었습니다.
International Staff
Architectural Design Assistant

Antonio Cortesão Caldeira

2024 Universidade Fernando Pessoa l Portugal (M. Arch and Urbanism)

He was an exchange student at Ajou University, South Korea from 2020-2021.
Working as an architectural design assistant at SSP since June 2024.

Past Collaborators

Seoyeon Bae  Marie Le Calvez   Sofia de Cavalho   Seyoung Choi   Jaehyun Jeong  Minyoung Jeong   Heejae Kim   Sanghoon Kwon   Seunghoon Lee  Dayoon Oh  Chansaem Park   Gayeon Park   Hyunkyung Yoo   

Awards and Projects

International Design Competition for the new Gangbuk-gu Government Office Complex, Seoul, Korea, 2024

Banpo-Hangang River Connection Park and Cultural Facilities International Design Competition, Seoul, Korea, 2024

International Design Competition for Incheon New City Hall, Korea / 5th Prize, 2023

International Design Competition for Incheon Geomdan Museum·Library Cultural Complex, Korea / Honorable Mention, 2023

강소도시 아이디어 공모전 2022, 주최 서울대학교 건축학과, 후원 태재연구재단 / 2nd Prize, 2023

Incheon Museumpark International Design Competition by Incheon Metropolitan City, Korea / 5th Prize, 2022

International Competition for the (New) Agricultural Resources Management Institute in Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea, 2022

Korea Pavilion for 2025 Osaka Expo Design Competition, Osaka, KOTRA, 2022

Korea Remodeling Association Special Prize (2022년 한국리모델링대전 특선 수상), 2022

Seoul Metropolitan Library(Seo-daemun) Design Competition, Seoul, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea, 2022

Architectural Design Competition for Seongnam Historical Museum, Seongnam, Korea, 2022

Design Proposal Competition for Relocation of the Grain Wholesale Market with Jaeygong Architects, Seoul, Seoul Metropolitan Government / 5th Prize, 2022

Yeonsu-gu Youth Center International Design Competition(YYC) with Jaeygong Architects, Korea / Honorable Mention, 2022

International Design Competition for National Design Museum(NDM), Korea, 2021

International Competition for The (NEW) Goyang City Hall with POSCO A&C, Korea, 2021

2021 Korea Public Housing Design Competition for Daegu A3 district with Son-a, Korea / 3rd Prize, 2021

Invited Competition for Y Office Tower with POSCO A&C, Korea, 2021

International Competition for The (NEW) Gangseo-gu Government Office Complex, Korea, 2021

Landscape Competition for Incheon Gumdan 2nd stage collaborated with CAdesign, Korea / 1st Prize, 2021

International Design Competition for National Museum of Korean Literature, Korea, 2021

International Design Competition for Library; SONGDO International City, Korea, 2021

International Competition for Korean War Memorial Park for Civil Victims, Daejeon, Korea, 2020

International Competition of Gyeongsangbuk-do Human Resource Development Institute, Korea / 3rd Prize, 2020

International Design Competition for Facilities to Preserve Structural Remnants at the former site of the Uijeongbu_Stage 1, Seoul, Korea, 2020

International Architectural Design Competition for Designing Multi-level Complex, “Gangil, Seoul Compact City”, Seoul, Korea / 3rd Prize, 2020

International Architectural Design Competition for the first phase of Cheongju New City Hall, Korea / Honorable Mention, 2020

International Competition of City Main Library Gwangju by Gwangju Metropolitan City, Korea / 3rd Prize, 2020

International Competition for the Photographic Art Museum, Korea, Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2019

International Hangang Sky Walkway Architectural Design Competition, Korea, Seoul Metropolitan Government / 5th Prize, 2019

LAGI 2019 International Design Competition, United Arab Emirates, Masdar City and World Energy Council / 1st Prize, 2019

International Competition for the Robot Science Museum, Korea, Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2019

Korea Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai Design Competition, Dubai, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, KOTRA, 2018

International Ideas Competition for the Regeneration of Tongyeong Dockyard, Korea, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 2018

Architecture Competition for the Mokgam Regional Library, Korea, Siheung City, 2016

International Competition for Sejongdaero Historic Cultural Space,  Korea, Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2015

International Architecture Competition for the Varna Public Library, Bulgaria, Municipality of Varna and Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria, 2015

International Architectural Design Competition for Korean Rural Architecture, Korea, UIA / Honorable Mention, 2015

International Architectural Design Competition for Unbuilt Visions, d3, New York / Special Mention, 2015

International Ideas Competition for the Mapo Oil Reserve Base, Seoul Metropolitan Government / 1st Prize, 2013

2013 KPF Traveling Fellowship, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates / Finalist, 2013

Araldo A. Cossutta Annual Prize for Design Excellence, Harvard GSD / Finalist, 2012

International Ideas Competition ‘The Europe’s Become’, Atelier PAEMA / Mention of Merit, 2013

International Architectural Competition for a Public Library in Daegu, Korea, UIA / Honorable Mention, 2012

Heritage Tomorrow Project 3 Architectural Design Competition, Arumjigi / 3rd Prize, 2012

Anonymous.d Architecture 3 Competition, Anonymous.d / Shortlisted, 2012

Skyscraper International Architectural Design Competition, Evolo / Selected Work, 2011

d3 Housing Tomorrow International Architectural Design Competition, d3 / Selected Work, 2011

International Ideas Competition for the Bering Strait Project, UIA / 2nd Prize, 2009

International Architectural Competition on Chichenitza, Arquitectum / Honorable Mention, 2008

Bench Design Competition in Seoul, Seoul Metropolitan Government / Honorable Mention, 2008

Skyscraper Architectural Design Competition, SAMOO Architects & Engineers / Honorable Mention, 2008

Award for Design, Photography Section, SAMOO Architects & Engineers / 2nd Prize, 2009, 2008, 20006

Graduate Exhibition Excellence Award, Dankook University Architecture Dept. / 2nd Prize, 2003

CheongGyeCheon Restoration Idea Competition, Seoul Government / Honorable Mention, 2003

Award for Graduate Exhibition Participation, Dankook University Architecture Dept. / Special Prize, 2003, 2001

Digital-Architecture Contents Competition, Architectural Institute of Korea / 2nd Prize, 2001

Game EXPO Contents Competition, Ministry of Information and Communication / Special Prize, 2001

Press Release

Only Excerpts Since 2019

‘양곡도매시장’ 변화하는 물류, 친환경 입고 재탄생… 2025년 목표, 이뉴스투데이, 2022

“‘강일 공영차고지 개발’ 후보 윤곽”, 건설경제신문, 2020

“‘강일, 서울 컴팩트시티’ 국제화상회의로 1차 설계공모 심사”, 서울경제신문, 2020

“서울시-SH공사, 국제화상회의로 ‘강일, 서울 콤팩트시티’ 본선 진출작 선정”, 아시아경제신문, 2020

“강일, 서울 컴팩트시티 국제설계공모 2단계 참여건축가 5팀 확정”, C3 Korea, 2020

“‘강일, 서울 컴팩트시티’ 국제설계공모 본선 진출작 5개 선정”, edaily, 2020

“강일, 서울 컴팩트시티 본선 진출작 5개 선정”, Lafent, 2020

“These Wild Sculptures Could Bring Sustainable Energy to the Desert”, Smithsonian Magazine, 2019

“THE FUTURE IS SOLAR”, The Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts, 2019

“2019 Land Art Generator Initiative design competition winners announced”, LandscapeAustralia, 2019

“Shortlisted designs for LAGI 2019 Abu Dhabi competition”, aasarchitecture, 2019

“LAGI prize for Masdar park goes to shape-shifting ‘clouds’”, magpie, 2019

“Solar powered orbs that generate renewable electricity wins Masdar design prize”, Middle East Archtect, 2019

“LAGI international design competition winners announced”, Masdar, 2019

“Masdar And The Land Art Generator Initiative Announce Winning Designs For Energy Generating Public Artwork At The 24th World Energy Congress”, Middle East Utilities, 2019

“Land Art Generator Initiative: LAGI 2019 Masdar City, Abu Dhabi – Winning Artwork Starlit Stratus”, Anders Bekeken, 2019

“석유 부자 UAE가 석유 필요없는 도시를 만든다고?(feat. THE END DAY OF 석유)”, On aired – 5:25~ 6:04, SBS, 2019

“종이접기 만난 태양광 패널…‘탄소 제로’ 도시의 밤 밝힌다” (Saved as PDF), 인터뷰, 중앙선데이 , 2019

“아부다비 국제도시 설계 공모전 1등”, 조선일보, 2019

“재미 건축가 박성기씨, WEC 도시설계 공모전서 大賞”, 문화일보, 2019

“박성기 건축가, 세계에너지총회 도시설계 공모전서 최고상 수상”, 동아일보, 2019

“재미 한국인 건축가 박성기씨 WEC 도시설계 공모전서 1등상”, 연합뉴스, 2019

“재미 한국인 건축가 박성기씨 WEC 도시설계 공모전서 1등상”, 한국경제, 2019

“재미 한국인 건축가 박성기씨 WEC 도시설계 공모전서 1등상”, 매일경제, 2019

“재미 한국인 건축가 박성기씨 WEC 도시설계 공모전서 1등상”, 아시아경제, 2019

“건축가 박성기, WEC 도시설계 공모전서 1등상 받아”, 매일경제TV(MBN), 2019

“광주대표도서관 설계공모 당선작 선정”,  SPACE MAGAZINE, 2020

“광주대표도서관 설계공모 당선작 선정”, 건설타임즈, 2020

“광주대표도서관 설계공모 당선작 선정”,  남도 일보, 2020

“광주대표도서관 설계공모 당선작 선정”,  C3 MAGAZINE, 2020

“광주대표도서관 설계공모 당선작 선정”,  Landscape Times, 2020

“광주대표도서관 설계공모 당선작 선정”,  무등일보, 2020

“광주대표도서관 설계공모 당선작 선정”,  광주데일리뉴스, 2020

“한국판 ‘브루클린 브릿지’, 한강 ‘백년다리’ 밑그림 나왔다”, 건설경제, 2019

“서울시, 노량진~노들섬 한강대교 공중보행교 ‘백년다리’ 설계안 공개”, 경제산업TV, 2019

Exhibition and Publication

Publication for “Architect’s Thoughts Series 02 Museum | 건축가의 생각 시리즈 02 박물관”, Author Sunggi Park, dsstudio publisher, 2024

Publication for “Architect’s Thoughts Series 01 Library | 건축가의 생각 시리즈 01 도서관”, Author Sunggi Park, dsstudio publisher, 2023

Exhibition for Incheon Geomdan Museum and Library Cultural Complex at Incheon City Hall, 2023

Exhibition for Incheon Museumpark International Design Competition at Incheon City Hall, 2023

Invited Exhibition for the Paju Architecture Exhibition, “건축과 에너지”, Paju Book City, 2022

International Invitational Exhibition 100 Architects of the Year 2022, 2022

Exhibition for Korea Remodeling Association, 2022

Exhibition for the International Competition of City Main Library Gwangju at Gwangju City Hall by Gwangju Metropolitan City, Korea, 2020

Exhibition for the International Hangang Sky Walkway Architectural Design Competition at Seoul City Hall, Korea, Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2019

Exhibition for the LAGI 2019 International Design Competition at 24th World Energy Congress, United Arab Emirates, Masdar City and World Energy Council, 2019

“Return To the Source”, PRESTEL Press, ISBN 978-3-7913-5938-0, 2019

Collective Publication for “DiaGram & Process”, Archi-lab, 2017

Exhibition for Dankook University 50th Anniversary, November, Korea, 2016

Tuesday Talks, Open Lecture ‘Reconfigured Infrastructure’ in Inter-disciplinary Practice “A Network of Innovation”, MASSART (Massachusetts College of Art and Design) Architecture Lecture Series, Boston, 2015

Exhibition for the International Architectural Design Competition for Korean Rural Architecture, Goesan and Seoul, UIA, 2015

Exhibition “RE:BORN”, SODA Art Museum, Hwaseong, Korea, 2015

GSD “Platform 7” Exhibition, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, 2015

GSD “Platform 7” Publication, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Actar, 2015

Architecture Magazine, SPACE No.555, SPACE Magazine, February, 2014

Architecture Magazine, C3 No.351, C3 Publishing Co., November, 2013

Architecture Magazine, Architecture and Culture, A&C Publishing Co., November, 2013

Exhibition for the International Ideas Competition for the Mapo Oil Reserve Base, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul Plaza, 2013

“IDEA DESIGN : Evolving Architecture“, A&C Publishing Co., 2013

Exhibition and Publication for the International Ideas Competition ‘The Europe’s Become’, Atelier PAEMA, Italy, 2013

Exhibition for the Radcliffe Institute Public Art Competition, Harvard University, Byerly Hall Gallery, Cambridge, MA, US, 2013

Architecture Magazine, MARK APR/MAY No.43, Frame Publishers, 2013

Open Lecture “From Vision To Life”, Dankook University, South Korea, 2013

“Platform 5”, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, US, 2012

Architecture Magazine, Architecture and Culture, A&C Publishing Co., December, 2012

Exhibition and Publication for the International Architectural Competition for a Public Library in Daegu, Korea, UIA, 2012

Exhibition for the Heritage Tomorrow Project 3 in Seoul, Arumjigi, 2012

Publication for the Skyscraper International Architectural Design Competition Limited Edition as selected works, evolo, 2011

Exhibition for the d3 Housing Tomorrow Competition as selected works, d3, Cleveland, Ohio, US, 2011

Exhibition and Publication for the International Ideas Competition for the Bering Strait Project, UIA, 2009

Exhibition and Publication for the International Architectural Design Competition on Chichenitza, Arquitectum, 2008

Exhibition for the Bench Design Competition in Seoul, Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2008

Publication for the 2nd Annual Samoo Design Workshop, Samoo Architects & Engineers, 2006

Exhibition and Publication for the Cheonggye-cheon Restoration Idea Competition, Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2003

Undergraduate Thesis Exhibition, Dankook University Architecture Department, 2003

Exhibition for the Digital-Architecture Contents Competition, Architectural Institute of Korea, 2001

Online publications, Archdaily, Bustler, Archinect, Archhello and etc.

Professional Experience

  • OMA*AMO (Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rem Koolhaas), New York, US, 2014 ~ 2018

Masterplan, A strategic phasing masterplan proposal for Facebook Menlo Park Campus, San Francisco, 2016-Current | Project Link 1 2 3-Video
Competition for the First and Broadway (FAB) Civic Center Park, Los Angeles, 2016 | Project Link 1  2
Rebuild by Design, Resist, Delay, Store, Discharge, A comprehensive strategy for Hoboken, New Jersey, 2015 | Project Link
Design competition, East 60th Street, Manhattan, New York, 2015
Designing high-profile condominium tower, East 23rd Street, Manhattan, New York, 2015 | Project Link 1 2-Video
Design competition, West 18th Street, Manhattan, New York, 2014
11th Street Bridge Park Competition, Washington DC, 2014 | Project Link
Strategic design proposals in Manhattan, New York

Support to prepare drawings and visual documents for Tianjin Masterplan competitions in China

Support for submitting a proposal for Dudley square competition, won the competition and built in 2015, MA, US, 2014 | Project link

  • AJN (Ateliers Jean Nouvel), Paris, France, 2013

Support for 3d drawings translated based on construction documents between construction architect and Jean Nouvel | Project link

  • BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012~2013

Assisted a couple of international competitions and participated in one masterplan project in Lamma Island, Hong Kong

  • SAMOO Architects & Engineers, Seoul, Korea, 2005~2011

Executed high-profile VIP residences and Samsung corporate office towers as a senior architect
Collaborated with international architect and executed project as a single designer in some projects


Master of architecture 1 Advanced Placement

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© SSP, Studio Sunggi Park | dSS, Delineative Schema Studio. All images used on this website are the property of SSP, Studio Sunggi Park | dSS, Delineative Schema Studio