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Studio Sunggi Park

(주) 에스에스피 건축사사무소, SSP 건축사사무소

Delineative Schema Studio



A Creative Architects Lab Located In Seoul and New York

Inter-disciplinary design & research lab between Architecture, Urban Design, and Interior Architecture

We are creating a space to correspond dynamic values which is not static data nor conventional quantity-based knowledge or techniques.

We are designing flexible re-configurable architecture than a singular object while maximizing spatial usage and programmatic variance in civic or rural ground.

We believes that intangible data such as microclimate, traffic, etc can be design factors for architecture design, so responsive facade, retractable ceiling, windows and walls are all design components for us.

We want to create the built exterior and interior environment which can influence all the public positively.

Featured Works



Theme : Past Present and Unfinished Past

Static Programs

Past Notion

Re-configurable Programs

Future : Unfinished Past

09/21/2024 in Featured, Press

NHG project, “Crafting Immersive Spaces: SSP’s Innovative Use of D5 Render” was featured in d5,

Crafting Immersive Spaces : SSP's Innovative Use of D5 Render NHG 프로젝 소개 in D5 Render Our NHG and NHr projects have been featured in the d5 render software. d5…
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05/31/2024 in Featured, Press

Sunggi Park Interviewed with Youtube 건축공감 #2

건축공감 유튜브에 인터뷰 영상 # 2편 - 여수주택 Sunggi Park Interview, 건축공감 Youtube #2 - Single House 건축가 박성기, 2024년 주목해야할 젊은 건축가에 선정되었습니다. 인터뷰 영상은 하단 영상을 참조하세요. Architect…
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05/25/2024 in Featured, Press

Sunggi Park Interviewed with Youtube 건축공감 #1

건축공감 유튜브에 인터뷰 영상 # 1편 - 별이 빛나는 층운 Sunggi Park Interview, 건축공감 Youtube #1 - Starlit Stratus 건축가 박성기, 2024년 주목해야할 젊은 건축가에 선정되었습니다. 인터뷰 영상은 하단 영상을…
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01/15/2024 in Featured, News, Publication

The second book launched, “Collective Vision for New Museum Architecture, Architect’s Thoughts Series | 02 Museum”

Collective Vision for New Museum Architecture, Architect's Thoughts Series | 02 Museum 건축가의 생각 책 시리즈 - 02 박물관   저자: 서울과학기술대학교 교수 박성기, 미국건축사(AIA), NCARB Author: Sunggi Park, Assistant…
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12/28/2023 in Featured, Lecture, News

[Production Urbanism; Daegu as a Circular City] Book Launching Event

<Production Urbanism: Daegu as a Circular City> 대구시의 2023년 대구 글로벌 스튜디오의 일환으로 진행되었던 리서치 기반 프로젝트를 공유하고, 이를 통해 어떤 도시, 건축적 논의로 확장해 나갈 수 있을까 함께 고민하는…
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12/28/2023 in Featured, News, Publication

[Production Urbanism; Daegu as a Circular City] published in 2023

published in 2023 "생산도시", 순환도시로써의 대구, 책 출간 임동우 교수님의 큐레이팅으로, 총 9개의 해외 학교와 건축가들과 함께 작업한 "생산도시", 순환도시로써의 대구, 책이 출간되었습니다. As part of the Daegu Global Studio,…
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11/29/2023 in Featured, News, Publication

The first book launched from SSP, “Collective Vision for Future Library Architecture, Architect’s Thoughts Series | 01 Library”

Collective Vision for Future Library Architecture, Architect's Thoughts Series | 01 Library 건축가의 생각 책 시리즈 - 01 도서관 저자: 서울과학기술대학교 교수 박성기, 미국건축사(AIA), NCARB Author: Sunggi Park, Assistant Professor…
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11/01/2023 in Exhibition, Featured

“Flex-city” was exhibited in Daegu as a part of global studio under the theme of “Production Urbanism”

Flex-city was exhibited in Daegu as a part of Daegu Architecture Biennalle under the theme of global studio, "Production urbanism"  1st Nov. 2023 ~ 8th Nov. 2023
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04/01/2023 in Featured, Publication

Our #MuseumArtMuseum project was publicated on [Unbuilt #3]

Unbuilt #3 언빌트 #3 EDIT: DESIGN: PUBLISHING = MasilWIDE 마실와이드 편집/디자인/출판 저희 "#뮤지엄미술관" 프로젝트가 에 실렸습니다. 2023년 3월 출간! 서점에서 구매하실 수 있습니다. 가격: 68,000원 Our "#MuseumArtMuseum" project was featured…
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03/21/2023 in Exhibition

“Tidal of Time and Wisdom” is exhibiting at Incheon Metropolitan City, Korea

Currently is exhibiting our works and all other winners at Incheon Metropolitan City. Please check it if you are around. Location: Incheon Metropolitan CityHall  20th March 2023 ~ 24th March…
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02/21/2023 in Featured, News

“Combinative Stella City” got 2nd prized for 강소도시 아이디어 공모전 2022, 주최 서울대학교 건축학과, 후원 태재연구재단

We got prized for 강소도시 아이디어 공모전 2022 서울대학교 건축학과 주최, 태재연구재단 후원 2nd Prize SSPdSS WORK February, 2023      
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01/11/2023 in News

“#MuseumArtMuseum” is exhibiting at Incheon Metropolitan City, Korea

There was an award ceremony at Incheon Metropolitan City and currently is exhibiting our works and all other winners. Please check it if you are around.   Location: Incheon Metropolitan…
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12/21/2022 in Featured, News

“#MuseumArtMuseum” got 5th prized for Incheon Museumpark International Design Competition by Incheon Metropolitan City, Korea

We got prized for Incheon Museumpark International Design Competition by Incheon Metropolitan City 5th Prize SSPdSS + URBAN YARDS WORK December, 2022 You could find the final winners at Official…
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10/21/2022 in Exhibition, Featured

“Starlit Stratus” was invited and exhibited for 2022 Paju Architecture Exhibition, Korea

"Startlit Stratus" was invited and exhibited at 2022 Paju Architecture Festival(Exhibition) Invited and Exhibited SSPdSS WORK October to November, 2022 Organized by Professor Haejung Choi, Kookmin University   More details…
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09/06/2022 in Exhibition, Featured, News

“The Layer” got prized for 2022 Korea Remodelling Association, Korea

We got prized for 2022Korea Remodelling Association in Korea   Awarded   SSPdSS WORK September, 2022   "The Layer" was exhibited at 포스코건설 더샵갤러리 3층 POSCO E&C HALL (서울 강남구…
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04/19/2022 in Featured, News, Press

“Airy Mercatus” got 5th prized for Design Proposal Competition for Relocation of the Grain Wholesale Market, Seoul, Korea

  We got prized for Design Proposal Competition for Relocation of the Grain Wholesale Market, Seoul, Korea by Seoul Metropolitan Government 5th Prize SSPdSS + URBAN YARDS with Jaeygong Architecture…
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2F, 11-5 Ttukseomno 3(sam)-gil, Seongsu-dong 1(il)-ga, Seoul
South Korea
서울특별시 성동구 뚝섬로3길 11-5 (성수동1가 72-87) 2층
(주) 에스에스피 건축사사무소


Satellite Office / 부설 연구소

New York, NY 10001
United States


© SSP, Studio Sunggi Park | dSS, Delineative Schema Studio. All images used on this website are the property of SSP, Studio Sunggi Park | dSS, Delineative Schema Studio