Project Overview


KOTRA, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency




International Competition





Project Description

How can we show the present border-less world condition where people can get information from one to another in a single building? To have a surreal exhibition environment in a single object, the project was started from experiment with traditional architecture materials. It is not an exaggeration to say that the advent of materials such as concrete, steel and glass, which appeared together with the industrial revolution, made the present modern architectural form. How can an exhibition that transcends time and space to best illustrate the big data analysis, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, robotics, self-driving car, etc. that lead the 4th industrial revolution can be constructed architecturally?

the proposed cubes are located close to each other, but depending on the user’s position, the space is completely blocked from light or reconstructed into a space where light is transmitted. We can make walls opaque as needed without using opaque materials. It is a subtle change, enabling buildings that will give people in a desert of private places a new sense of the pleasures of public space. Programmed cubes optimized for exhibition are arranged sequentially around the central void, from the main entrance on the first floor to the rooftop of the fifth floor.